
Camp Rubiales in Puerto Gaitan

Petrochemical & Refining
Insulation of industrial pipes and tanks

Fiberglass is present in the thermal insulation applications of the main heavy crude oil field in Colombia, Campo Rubiales

Heavy crude oil needs to be mixed with steam to reduce the viscosity, so that it can be extracted and pumped. Steam is injected into the well and mixed with oil, until achieving a temperature of 65 ° C. From there, the oil is transported in pipes to filtering and cleaning facilities where it is separated from impurities and water. The insulation maintains the temperature of the oil and steam mixture, providing energy savings and reducing the number of pumping stations required in the pipelines.

The customer thought was very satisfied: excellent products with high quality specifications, fast response to product needs in big quantities and very good continuous on-site technical support.

FLEX WRAPS is a flexible insulation with low weight, high mechanical strength and superior dimensional stability, to insulate crude transport pipes.
Cañuelas is a low weight insulation with high mechanical strength and superior dimensional stability, to insulate steam pipes.
Insul Quick is a rigid insulation with low weight, high mechanical strength and superior dimensional stability, to insulate crude storing tanks.

Learn more about Thermal Insulation in Industry

Heavy crude oil needs to be mixed with steam to reduce the viscosity, so that it can be extracted and pumped. Steam is injected into the well and mixed with oil, until achieving a temperature of 65 ° C.